7. August 2019
Opens office in Aarhus – New Director Appointed
As part of our planned growth, on 1 August 2019 MINDWEISS opened a new office in Aarhus. Here, the newly appointed Director and Partner, Helle Buus Hougesen, will transfer MINDWEISS’s strong DNA to clients west of the Great Belt.
“I am delighted that we can now introduce the director of our newly opened office in Aarhus, Helle Buus Hougesen,” says Ole Weiss, who joined forces with Marc Dulong only a year and a half ago.
The aim was to make MINDWEISS one of the country’s leading consultancy firms, uniquely tackling both recruitment and development. “Both the results and feedback from clients are evidence of how sound the strategy was,” adds Marc Dulong. “If clients believe that we deliver the best value for money in the market, we are well on the way to achieving our goal.”
Plenty of Time to Find the Right Person
Based on the success we have achieved, and particularly encouraged by many clients, the next natural step was to expand geographically. An office in Aarhus was at the top of the list. “However, the first and most important thing for us was to find the perfect person for the job, and we have devoted a huge amount of time and resources to this in recent months,” says Marc Dulong. “We are therefore delighted that we can now introduce Helle Buus Hougesen, who possesses both strong analytical competence and a great business sense. We have great expectations in terms of how she will help develop our business and serve our clients.”
Part of a Strong Team
Helle Buus Hougesen has a lengthy commercial background and comes from a position as a management consultant in the IT analysis company IT Optima, where she has been part of the growth IT Optima has undergone. “I am passionate about business development and look forward to building a MINDWEISS office in Aarhus, rooted in the professional expertise, which the head office in Hellerup represents. For me, it was important to become part of a strong team, and each of MINDWEISS’s nine members of staff has substantial academic competences, such as psychology, sociology and ethnology, which I will depend on,” says Helle Buus Hougesen.
Professional Diversity Makes Us Wiser
It is no coincidence. Each member of staff was carefully selected. “Our desire is to be professionally diverse, because we only get smarter by learning from each other. So, when looking for our new director, we also wanted a breath of fresh air: someone who looks at the world from a new angle and can add something new and exciting. There’s no doubt that Helle fits that bill, and we look forward to seeing how she will strengthen and expand the company in western Denmark,” conclude Ole Weiss and Marc Dulong.