
We Assist You Throughout
the Entire Process

MINDWEISS A/S is a consultancy with more than 20 years of experience. We assist organisations and companies with every single part of the development process. We do not embark upon the process with a ready-made concept. Instead, we base our approach on reality and adapt our contribution to suit each organisation’s needs, desires, and problems.

We identify the challenges and identify the resources the company may lack.

We find and recruit the best candidates using our extensive network of experts and on the basis of in-depth personal analyses that reveal the candidates’ academic, professional and social competencies.

We advise the executive team and work on bespoke programmes for each executive.

We implement targeted development programmes for individual members of staff, and for the team and organisation as a whole, to get everyone working towards the same goals, based on common values, attitudes and norms.

We also ensure that everyone is prepared to go the extra mile with a view to creating the desired change.



We are certified in several internationally recognized tests

At MINDWEISS, we are certified in several internationally recognized personality and intelligence tests, which we use in our recruitment and development processes. This means that we can obtain a detailed and nuanced picture of each candidate’s personality and behaviour and get a sense of their intelligence and logical ability.

Therefore, we offer the best possible development processes. Further, we can find candidates, who match the company’s strategic objectives, and who have the competencies, ambitions, and professionalism needed to fit into the organization. If you are curious to learn more about how we can assist you with targeted and professional recruitment processes or tailor-made development processes, do not hesitate to contact us.

Nordic collaboration

In collaboration with our partner in Oslo, MINDWEISS handles the most demanding recruitment tasks throughout the Nordic region.

We work with established recruitment and development companies that, like MINDWEISS, cover all industries and offer a broad portfolio of HR-related services.

Learn more about our partner in Norway, Raadgiverhuset Rekruttering, on their website:


More about us

We Promise You 3 Things

We Promise You 3 Things

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