Building Leadership® for New Leaders
A Leadership Development Concept for New Leaders
As a new leader, you are assuming a new role in your workplace. Maybe you quickly become the person other people talk about, instead of the person they talk to. You will also have a different relationship with the people for whom you used to be a ‘mere’ colleague.
Is there such a thing as a ‘born leader’? No. He or she does not yet exist. But you can learn to become a good leader: a leader who is accepted and respected by the people you have to lead.
Building Leadership® for New Leaders will provide you with a practical toolbox for a quick, efficient start in the leadership role.
Based on the Building Leadership® concept and what we can learn from the best leaders, we have developed Building Leadership® for New Leaders. Building Leadership® for New Leaders provides new leaders with the best conditions for evolving in the role.
Contact us to learn more
The Goal
- To provide you with exhaustive knowledge of the Building Leadership®
- To identify what makes excellent leaders better and what you can learn from them
- To provide you with greater insight into what demands the leadership role places on you and your leadership and communication skills
- To create a good background for discussing goals and career development with your own immediate superior
The Content
- What is Building Leadership®?
- Achieve success in your new leadership role on the basis of knowledge of:
- The most important responsibilities and duties of a manager
- The different leadership styles
- How to balance ‘gentle’ and ‘tough’ leadership
- The interaction between management values and personal values
- How do you build and break down the trust of other people?
- Building and developing a team
- Leadership and development of employees
- How to work on motivation and commitment
- How to run a meeting
- How to conduct effective planning and development interviews.
- How efficient are you when it comes to communication?
- How do you inspire, develop and prepare the organisation to make the necessary efforts?
- How do you make sure you implement the strategy and tasks, using the 8 executive principles?
- How do you gain more ‘productive leadership time’?
- What 21 leadership tools does it take in order to become an excellent leader?

Building Leadership® for New Leaders will provide you with:
- Preparation for your new role as a leader with the best leaders as inspiration
- An abundance of energy, motivation and the latest knowledge in the leadership field
- A more efficient leadership style – significant and proven – vis-à-vis you, your employees and your company
- The ability to navigate more vigorously in terms of change, based on awareness of your strengths and weaknesses
- The ability to achieve a better bottom-line result quickly
Market Segment
The course is aimed at newly-appointed leaders and at members of staff who do not yet have managerial responsibilities, but will one day.
Building Leadership® for New Leaders is available for both individuals and groups.
Our discipline is to identify, expedite and embed profitable behaviour and culture.
We provide the behaviour that management often takes for granted, or has not described or finds banal. “For heaven’s sake, they’re adults…” That’s most people’s attitude.
Our favourite clients are impatient and courageous with ambitious goals that require new behaviour to achieve them. Our in-depth approach to analysis and the process of anchoring the behaviour creates the very best value for our clients’ important projects.
Contact us to learn more